COVID-19: Second Wave
Search PPE Fills Supply Chain Gaps for PPE
Visualizing the Performance of COVID Models
Lockdowns Knock Down the Spread of COVID-19, but Only to a Point (and only early on)
COVID-19: Tuesday Blips in a “Downward Trajectory”
News reports of young people contracting serious cases of COVID-19 and even dying, but the disease is overwhelmingly a disease of older people. This blog explores the death rate from COVID-19 based on age and underlying conditions.
Coronavirus: Age and Health
COVID-19 Social Distancing Has Mitigated 2020 Flu Season
COVID-19 Asymptomatic Rates and Implications
Is the Spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Being Slowed?
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a need for clear and actionable analytics like never before. The world cannot wait for controlled scientific studies to be completed. To discover true relationships, we’d love to have structured detailed public data. But we usually must take the limited data at hand and quantify actionable insights in the face of uncertainty. This blog explores if Social Distancing is helping.
Big Data and Clinical Trials in Medicine
Healthcare Analytics: Exploration vs. Confirmation
Discovering The Efficacy Of A New Drug
Using Machine Learning to Predict Parkinson’s Disease
Analytics Help Identify the Early Stages of a Stroke
Can Government Analytics Curtail the Opioid Epidemic?