Past Events

Elder Research sponsors many international conferences and corporate events and members of our team frequently deliver keynotes at major global analytics conferences. Here is a list of some past events we have supported.


Grant Fleming to present AI Alignment Considerations for Data Science Practitioners

Grant Fleming to present AI Alignment Considerations for Data Science Practitioners

Accounts of AI algorithms making biased, unfair, or otherwise harmful predictions are capturing growing attention from the media, institutional researchers, and the public at large. In the vast majority of cases, these harmful predictions arise as the unanticipated and unintended consequence of using large, highly complex model to solve poorly specified tasks. Research around solving this “AI alignment problem” between the results desired and actually produced is quite nascent. Fortunately, this research has already yielded some best practices and software tools that practitioners can begin utilizing in their own workflows. This session will discuss a selection of best practices and software tools to mitigate the risks of harmful predictions in certain classification and NLP contexts.

For more information about this event and UMBC’s Data Science program.



Elder Research to Sponsor the UVA Link Lab Flash Talk Series

Elder Research was proud to sponsor the University of Virginia Link Lab Flash Talk series. Elder Research is an industry affiliate sponsor of the Link Lab, an interdisciplinary, cyber-physical systems research center hosted at UVA. During this one hour session, PhD students from the Link Lab provided two-minute synopses of their research on difficult problems in Autonomous Systems, Connected Health, Smart Cities, and Hardware for IoT.


John Elder to Present to The Department of Statistical Science at Duke

John Elder will deliver the virtual talk “Top 3 Things I’ve Learned in 3 Decades Of Data Science” to the students in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University on February 17, 2021. John says “the three most important analytic innovations [he’s] seen in three decades of extracting useful information from data have to do with Ensemble models, Target Shuffling, and Cognitive Biases.


Dr. Jennifer Schaff Presents at Partnering with the Public for Biomedical Research Seminar

Dr. Jennifer Schaff joined Larsson Omberg, Sage Bionetworks, to present on the “Life Cycle of the mPower Public Researcher Portal“, one of the first large-scale attempts to assess the feasibility of quantifying Parkinson disease symptoms and their changes in a real-world setting.

The new seminar series “Partnering with the Public for Biomedical Research” was hosted by the NIH Citizen Science Working Group and sponsored by the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS).


Grant Fleming to Speak at the RStudio Global 2021 Conference

Grant Fleming delivered a talk on “Fairness and Data Science: Failures, Factors, and Futures” at the virtual RStudio::Global 2021 Conference.

Session Abstract: In recent years, numerous highly publicized failures in data science have made evident that biases or issues of fairness in training data can sneak into, and be magnified by, our models, leading to harmful, incorrect predictions being made once the models are deployed into the real world. But what actually constitutes an unfiar or biased model, and how can we diagnose and address these issues within our own work? In this talk, I will present a framework for better understanding how issues of fairness overlap with data science as well as how we can improve our modeling pipelines to make them more interpretable, reproducible, and fair to the groups that they are intended to serve. We will explore this new framework together through an analysis of ProPublica’s COMPAS recidivism dataset using the tidymodels, drake, and iml packages.



Dr. William Goodrum Was a Panelist at UVA Debate Night

Dr. William Goodrum was a panelist at Debate Night: Data Privacy in a Sensor-filled World hosted by the Science Policy Initiative at the University of Virginia Link Lab.



Dr. Carl Hoover taught a workshop on "Intervention and Prioritization Analytics" for the Air Force Research Lab, Strategic Development, Planning and Execution Office. Dr. Hoover's session was part of the "Predictive Analytics for Integrated Assessment of Peer Response Workshop" in Dayton, OH. The event aimed to generate concepts to predict the tactical and strategic actions of adversaries, supporting the U.S. Air Force’s ability to uphold the National Defense Strategy.


LeAnna Kent Spoke on "Network Analysis to Detect Kickback Schemes Among Medical Providers" at MLconf

Data Scientist LeAnna Kent spoke at MLconf on “Network Analysis to Detect Kickback Schemes Among Medical Providers” in New York City. Her talk covered how Elder Research created a custom formula to highlight the strongest connections in an egonet, and how it allowed us to score and rank the resulting subgraphs for investigation prioritization.


Victor Diloreto was a Featured Speaker on Carahsoft's Google Cloud Webinar

Victor Diloreto, Director of Software Products at Elder Research, was a featured speaker on Carahsoft’s Google Cloud webinar “Enhance Data Efficiency: Eliminate Fraud, Waste, and Abuse with Google Cloud”.


John Elder Spoke to the OSF Healthcare Leadership Team

John Elder spoke to the OSF Healthcare leadership team.  OSF HealthCare is an integrated health care network serving patients of all ages across Illinois and Michigan.


John Elder Spoke at the University of Virginia Data Science Institute

John Elder spoke on “Luck, Skill, or Torture? How Target Shuffling Can Tell” to data science students at the University of Virginia Data Science Institute.


Isaiah Goodall and Dr. Jennifer Schaff Spoke at the North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance CIO/CMIO Roundtable

Isaiah Goodall and Dr. Jennifer Schaff spoke at the North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance CIO/CMIO Roundtable. The event openly discussed problems and solutions related to IT and analytics in healthcare.



Robert Han and Ryan McGibony Presented a Webinar on Identifying Fraud

Fraud is often perpetrated by groups working together. Fraud analytics uses data to detect fraud these rings. Robert Han and Ryan McGibony presented a webinar on identifying suspicious behavior using network analysis tools such as graph databases.


Elder Research Exhibited at the RegTech Data Summit

Elder Research exhibited at the RegTech Data Summit which connects agency leaders, Congress, regulated industries, and tech companies to work together to define the future of this emerging policy area. RegTech solutions can enable automation, reduce fraud, and cut compliance costs.
