Price Elasticities for Packaged Goods: Measuring the Effect of Competitor Prices

Price Elasticities for Packaged Goods: Optimal Post-Processing for Noisy Model Estimates

Optimizing Product Production Schedules

Optimize Allocation of Promotional Budget Across Brands

Optimizing Trade Promotion Budget Allocation

Elder Research helped a CPG client optimize allocation of their promotion budget to reach target growth objectives for 5000 account-brand combinations.

Developing a Strategic Roadmap and Analytics Center of Excellence

Elder Research assessed current analytics needs, developed a strategic roadmap, and built an analytics center of excellence for a leading consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturer.

Predicting Customer Lifetime Value

Elder Research helped a large CPG client predict lifetime value of customers so they could identify those most likely to make purchases in the future.

Data Engineering for Promotion Analysis

Elder research integrated multiple data sources to enable the client’s marketing team to analyze the effectiveness and ROI of historical marketing events.

Building an Analytics Center of Excellence

Elder Research developed a self-sufficient Analytics Center of Excellence for a leading CPG firm and completed 30+ quick win projects in the first year.

Modeling Price Elasticity

Elder Research helped a leading retail company for CPG model, monitor, and optimize price elasticity for their products.

Analyzing Paid Search Ad and Keyword Effectiveness

Elder Research analyzed the effectiveness of various types of paid search ads and also determine the relative value of Google paid search keywords.

Analyzing Product Ratings and Reviews