Using data to personalize the customer experience.
Data can help you improve your ability to personalize the customer experience by making recommendations based on customers’ preferences. This includes recommendations for products or services that are similar to items that customers have purchased in the past. Or, making recommendations for products or services that are related—for example, if a customer has expressed interest in a specific type of car, then suggesting other cars in that category may be valuable. Or, suggest products that add onto products the customer is known or presumed to have purchased.
To create a personalized experience across all channels, the Whole Foods app combines the mobile experience with in-store shopping. The app keeps track of each item a user buys and arranges them so it’s simple to search for and place another order. Recommendations for new products and recipes are based on each customer’s past purchases. When users are in or close to a Whole Foods, they even get personalized notifications and offers for that particular store.
Using data to optimize advertising campaigns.
You can use data-driven customer experiences to optimize your advertising campaigns by identifying which audiences are most receptive to particular ads or marketing messages at any given time—and targeting them with specific messages through email blasts, web pages, and social media updates, as well as traditional advertising channels like Google Adwords and Facebook Ads Manager.
Age, gender, occupation, and location are just a few examples of demographic information that can disclose a lot about a person’s wants and requirements. Naturally, such knowledge contributes to a more targeted marketing message and a higher campaign return. To attract new clients and grow its user base, DirectTV identified a particular market to target — people who have recently relocated to a new home – using a variety of data points. Additionally, it was shown that, when people relocate, they frequently test out new services. Many also choose to change service providers.